One year ago this month, baby Lauren was born. At the time of her birth, she tested positive for drugs. She was born six weeks early. A year ago, there was much to be concerned with. Now ~ there is much to celebrate. We celebrate the beautiful and loving family she is now the center of. We celebrate your life Lauren. We celebrate the milestones you have passed incredibly. You are healthy, smart and beautiful, wanted and adored. We honor and celebrate your mommy & daddy for the quality of life and love they are providing for you.
We also celebrate Lauren’s birth mom for choosing life, though she lived under dire circumstances. Her childhood and growing up years could be written as a horror movie. We celebrate that she is now 5 months clean and sober of the drugs she was addicted to for so long. We celebrate that she has full time employment and supports herself independently.
As I think about baby Lauren, I realize that she has so much more of a chance for a normal life than her birth mom ever had. Yet, somewhere, deep inside of her heart – Lauren’s birth mom made the conscious decision to give her daughter the family that she herself had never experienced. Though she has been broken in so many ways during her life – she broke the cycle. Now that is cause to celebrate!