Here are the words of one of the most special young women I have had the blessing to meet and work with. Though Leslie has the emotional maturity of a child, she was big enough to know what was best for her baby. Showing her huge heart throughout the process, she blessed her daughter with an incredible family. Leslie has been a joy to help.
Hi Michelle. I am glad that you helped me find a family for Charlotte. The adoptive parents are perfect and it’s good that she has a big sister and brother, too. I think about her a lot, but I know she is happy with her family. They take care of her better than I could.
I was adopted too and my family loved me so much, so I know my baby being adopted is just right. The adoptive family is just right.
You were so nice to come and stay with me in the hospital and hold my hand during my surgery. Everybody at the hospital was nice to me. You were nice and so was Charlotte’s new parents.
Thank you so much for helping me and helping Charlotte. I feel like everything is just right.