As every adoption is unique and special in it’s own way,  we appreciate the variables of personalities and emotions involved each situation.  Some are more involved than others…  It seems the more trying the journey, the sweeter the outcome.

This past Autumn, we were contacted by a wonderful family who’s dreams of international adoption had abruptly come to a close.  In their shock and heartbreak, we became their new plan to grow their family.  Amber, the Adoptive Mom, became an instant friend.  Her heart for adoption is lovely.  She gladly shares her knowledge of the foster care system as she is so well versed.

After being blessed biologically with two of the most gentlemanly boys I have ever met in my lifetime, she and her husband David adopted. Their daughter, Summer, came to them from dire circumstances through their county foster care system.  Though they have fostered others, they knew Summer was theirs to stand up for and keep forever.  As some years have passed, as a family, they knew their family was still not yet complete.

With all of David and Amber’s reasons for choosing international adoption, their faith in the Lord remained when those door’s closed.  They shared what they would be comfortable with regarding a birth mom situation and it seemed as if their faith was to be tested as those comfort levels were stretched throughout their match and adoption journey.  A roller coaster of emotions would ensue, medical issues would arise,  unexpected emergencies would take place, patience would be tried, finances would be needed…

There is a saying that the tallest people are those that are on their knees praying…  Dave and Amber are pretty tall.  Adoption can be quite the faith builder and this happened to be one of those situations.  Yet, the love and support they showered on their Birth Mom was incredible.  What they showed her was the unconditional love of Christ, though they had every reason to be concerned and even,  insecure at times.

They were resolved to stick this situation through and the end result was amazing.