January is National Sanctity of Life Month. We welcome the opportunity to stand for life.  We celebrate the significance of life and in our “business”, that specifically means the life of the unborn.  At the age of 42, it is easy for me to make a stand and intellectually, emotionally and passionately share my stance on this subject.  My own life reflects why I feel so strongly that life is the only choice and adoption IS the best option to those who are not ready or able to parent.  From the experience of my own “crisis” pregnancy and birth of my first daughter to the perfect placement of our second daughter into our family through adoption, as well as the blessing of participating in hundreds of babies being placed into amazing families over the past 17 years – I have lived and breathed that life is the only option for these unplanned babies.

Because of my life’s journey, my intense desire to make a stand now comes naturally.  When I was younger – the moral knowledge was there, but not the conviction behind it. It would have been one of those things that I knew what was right and what was wrong, but didn’t give it much thought.  Not so for Miss Mackenzie Bilger.  Mackenzie is the 14 year old daughter of our Adoption Coordinator Amy Bilger.  This girl is a firecracker – she lights up the room as she speaks so excitedly about things that are important to her.  This topic – Abortion vs. Adoption – happens to be important to her.

As a 9th grader, her World History assignment was to provide answers to debate a national issue and she chose Abortion vs. Adoption.  As this assignment was under the guise of a Mock Government – votes were to be taken before her argument and then afterwards.

In the first vote, the class stood 100% against her.

Surprisingly, even in a fairly conservative area of Boise, Idaho, ALL of her class members were PRO-ABORTION.

Mackenzie provided accurate answers as to why to choose adoption rather than abortion – including the statistic that 49% of those who have an abortion, have already had an abortion. Should abortion really be used as a form of birth control?

Mackenzie provoked her classmates to mull over the scenario of a girl who is 22 weeks pregnant (5 months along), driving to an abortion clinic or doctor’s office to have an abortion.  She is allowed to do so with no consequences.  However, if that same girl is driving to that same place and is involved in a traffic accident which results in that same baby dying from injuries sustained in that accident – the other driver can be charged with manslaughter.


Who should be allowed the right to decide whether a life should continue or not?  And why are there different values placed on that unborn baby’s life?  Is the death of that baby more horrific if taken by accident, rather than at the purposeful hands of those who are “performing a paid medical procedure”?

I am impressed that this 14 year old was inspired to research such a taboo topic, ask hard questions,  provide answers to opposing views and most importantly –  she made a public stand.   When Mackenzie began this project , not one 9th grade student – other than Mackenzie – had a problem with abortion.

At the end of this project, she was just one vote shy of having her “law” pass.  Just under half the class that previously would have condoned abortion, now stood with Mackenzie for life.

This is an example of how just one person can make a huge difference…  who knows what lives Mackenzie has impacted by just sharing her own conviction and then backing it up with facts.  It was enough to inspire half of her classmates to view this subject completely opposite of what they did before they came to her class.

Thank you Mackenzie for not being quiet – you are an inspiration.  I am so proud that you chose this tough subject and that you used your classroom as a platform to educate others.  Though you drew criticism, you stood your ground. Thus, standing for life and standing for the Lord publicly.

When Mackenzie was sharing this story with me, she profoundly said, “Sometimes the best things come out of the worst circumstances.”  And then she added, “Go, Pro-Life!” with her teenage exuberance.  I could not have said it any better than that!  🙂

It drives me to question myself and you – how can we be making a difference.? If even to just save one life – or to be instrumental in helping to create a family through adoption, it’s so worth it to NOT be shy and quiet.

I know I want to do more and this year, more than ever, I am inspired to do so…