The change of seasons into Autumn is always an exciting time.  The Fall ornaments and scarecrows in the yard, pumpkins and for our  family- the annual trip to the local apple orchard.  It marks the beginning of the holiday season which is full of tradition and family fun.

For those adoptive parents waiting to adopt, the holidays can be a painful time.  A measure of another year without their baby.  It was described to me recently as an ache that seems to get worse during this time of year.  Please know that we are here to help you through.

I have recently been in communication with most of our adoptive families… be it by telephone, text, email or facebook.  I appreciate you for sharing your heart’s desires and dreams with me.  Your feelings are important and I want you to understand that I recognize where you are at right now.  We will continue to work our very hardest to make  that quality match for you.

Adoptive Parent Tip:

As you are in the Holiday waiting mode, a change of focus might be what is healthy for you.

1.       Take a time out from anything adoption or baby related that brings you angst.

A.       If you have a nursery set up, close the door.

B.      Stop yourself from going onto baby related websites.

C.      Our Adoption Answer website & facebook are here to inform and encourage you – if that is not what you are taking away, then please don’t go there for awhile.

D.      Stay busy.  Do not allow yourself to sit and go into that downward spiral.  Only you know when you are there.

2. Pick a friend (NOT your spouse) to go to when you are feeling down. Let them know that you need them to pray with you, go to coffee, go hit some golf balls… whatever it is that gives you an emotional outlet.

3.       Have some fun with your spouse.

A.      Do not let the focus of your relationship be about the baby you don’t have yet.

B.      Plan a weekly date night.  After you have your baby – you will regret not having done this.  🙂

C.      Appreciate that you both want this adoption – even though one of you may be expressing it more passionately.  Just let that go for now.

4.       Celebrate your holiday family traditions.

A.      Whether you have children yet or not, family traditions are passed down for a special reason.

As part of our Adoption Answer Family, I would like to invite you to share some of your family traditions with the rest of us.  If you want to include pictures or recipes, feel free to do so.  We will share in an  upcoming blog!  We would love to have your input!    Email by Nov 23 to: to be included.

For example:

For Thanksgiving ~ every year we video record as each member of our family shares three things that they are thankful for.  It memorializes that person, brings out the meaning of the holiday and is fun and touching to watch later.

On Christmas Morning  ~ I always make homemade cinnamon rolls.  It’s great to smell them baking while we are opening gifts.

Thank you for sharing…